I ordered the Joy Of Affection bouquet for my mom's birthday and she couldn't stop smiling. The orange roses are such a unique touch and really made her feel loved. Thank you for the perfect gift!
27th Dec, 2023 | From: France
Delivery Location: Sakai
I surprised my partner with the Joy Of Affection bouquet and they absolutely loved it! The vibrant orange roses really symbolized our love and affection for each other. Highly recommend!
15th Dec, 2023 | From: Russia
Delivery Location: Fukuoka
Received the Joy Of Affection bouquet from my significant other and it instantly brightened my day. The arrangement is stunning and the roses are so fresh. It's a sweet gesture that won't disappoint!
8th Nov, 2023 | From: UK
Delivery Location: Gunma
Wow, the Joy Of Affection bouquet exceeded my expectations! The 12 orange roses are absolutely stunning and the packaging was top-notch. It's the perfect way to show someone how much you care.
15th Oct, 2023 | From: Spain
Delivery Location: Amagasaki
The Joy Of Affection bouquet is a perfect gift to express your feelings. The orange roses are not only beautiful, but they also emit a lovely fragrance that fills the room. Definitely a hit!
1st Oct, 2023 | From: Brazil
Delivery Location: Yokohama
It was my first experience with Nippon. I ordered flowers for my mother's birthday. The flowers were exactly as shown in the picture! It was worth the money and overall experience was great. Hoping to have many more experiences
4th Aug, 2022 | From: United Kingdom
Delivery Location: Nerima
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